martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

cosas que uno encuentra por internet: hoy, fotógrafo piola

No puedo copiar las fotos acá sin hacer un poco de esfuerzo, así que dejo el link.

Lo que más simpático me cayó fue la bio del flaco.


So where do I start? I’m Gainesy, and I’m trying to make it as a photographer/artist. At the moment I’m working as a chef in one of the local pubs in my village, which is mainly to keep the money rolling in. I got into photography at school whilst doing an Art and Design GNVQ and did a short course, learning the basics of a black and white darkroom after school. I then went on to college, where I did an NOCN Certificate in Creative Arts (level 2 and 3) and a two year Certificate/Diploma in Foundation Studies in Art and Design (Certificate, Merit and Diploma, Distinction). Finally, I went to University where I started a BA(hons) in Photography, but I left after 2 years, having gained a Certificate of Higher Education in Photography.

I would really like to get into photographing extreme sports, such as skateboarding, BMX, rollerblading etc. I would also like to travel the world photographing cities and different aspects of nature. The other thing I’d like to do is photograph war-zones. A lot of my work at the moment is to do with climate change, and showing people the things we could/will loose if we don’t do something about it. 

Las fotos.

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